RE: [squid-users] squidGuard Question

From: Kamesh Patel <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 10:46:31 -0000

You have a number of options for this...

install a webserver and do it that way...

If the page you want to display is static with information on it that does
not change, then you could either put that on:
a webserver,
a network share (baring in mind all users have to have access to this share)
or on the local machine.

You can set squidGuard up to look wherever you want really.. providing the
redirect page is a html page then it should work fine!

Personally i use squidGuard and have a nice .cgi page on a webserver which
displays lots of useful information.



-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Elsen []
Sent: 27 November 2002 10:31
To: Greg Alexander
Cc: ''
Subject: Re: [squid-users] squidGuard Question

Greg Alexander wrote:
> Hi,
> squidGuard is a redirector for squid, I have got it setup & working nicely
> My question is, when redirecting a failed URL or Domain, the users browser
> is redirected to a URL
> Do I have to install a web server ( apache ) to be able to direct people
> a webpage that informs them
> that the access attempt has been denied and logged?
> Is there no way to just push though a local .html page?

  I think not, note that browsers only speak http.
  They need to get a substituted url for on original
  typed in web address.

  If you want a local html file displayed, then it must still
  reach the browser through http....


> Greg Alexander

 'Time is a consequence of Matter thus
 General Relativity is a direct consequence of QM
 (M.E. Mar 2002)
Received on Wed Nov 27 2002 - 03:46:29 MST

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