Re: [squid-users] loggin 4 machines onto one log file

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 16:02:22 +0100

It is trivial to merge native Squid log files from multipe Squids into
one larger.. see the merge option of the sort command.

There is also a ongoig project in need of a supporting/sponsoring
company for providing hooks for extrnal logging capabilities to
Squid, easily allowing logging to be done in any method by the
support of custom helpers, including the Spread toolkit as used by
mod_log_spread (provided someone writes a Spread logging helper to
Squid if there is none included in the toolkit that can be used as it

You can also use a "tail -f" daemon to monitor the local log files and
send them via any custom log method without needing any special
support from Squid.


On Wednesday 27 November 2002 15.23, caleb racey wrote:
> Hi
> I was wondering if anyone has managed to implement distributed
> logging with squid. We have a farm of 4 squid servers and would
> like to log to one log file.
> Apache httpd has a facilitiy to do this using mod_log_spread
> ( This feature is very
> handy as rolling your own solution to multiple log file management
> is a pain.
> Caleb Racey
> Webteam
> University Computer Service
> University of Newcastle
> tel 0191 222 5916
Received on Wed Nov 27 2002 - 08:02:27 MST

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