Re: [squid-users] squid and ntlm-like authentication in a native AD domain ?

From: Robert Collins <[email protected]>
Date: 07 Dec 2002 08:38:34 +1100

On Sat, 2002-12-07 at 08:27, Jakob Curdes wrote:
> If we have a domain without ntlm-enabled controllers, is there or will there
> be in foreseeable future a method to authenticate without username and
> password, as it was with ntlm ? In a message form H.N. I think there was a
> note about development in this direction, but it was not clear what status
> this thing has.
> (I know that I can run an NTLM-enabled PDC in native mode, but it might be
> that this is not possible because of "policy"...)

Well, if NTLM is off, then it's kerberos authentication that is needed.
To do that we need a couple of things:
1) To implement the MS-GSAPI kerberos over HTTP specification in general
2) To implement a helper that talks with AD, probably this would use
SAMBA again.

It will probably happen eventually, when a developer needs to scratch
this itch. Alternatively, if you need it soon, you could commission
someone (anyone with the requisite) to develop it for you. We'd happily
help such a person contribute the results back into squid. Some of the
squid developers do such contracted enhancements, send an email to if you want more information.


Received on Fri Dec 06 2002 - 14:38:38 MST

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