RE: [squid-users] LDAP & Novell

From: John Blance <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 09:11:14 +1300


In squid-2.4.STABLE3 that I currently use the uid attribute is the
default so something like:

./squid_ldap_auth -b "ou=boss,o=Alpha"

should work?

John Blance
Technical Architect
Canterbury District Health Board
Direct Dial: 03 3640707
>>> "John Blance" <> 12/12/02 08:55 AM >>>

The LDAP authentication works in to two part process
First it binds anonymously to find the user's DN then it attempts an
authenticated bind using the password supplied.

For this to work in Novell NDS and using the CN the CN attribute must be
visible to the anonymous user [this is PUBLIC if have not setup a
specific ldap proxy user]

Looking at the ldapsearch results below, only UID is visible to
anonymous access.

So either ask the Novell admin to expose the CN to the ldap user
[PUBLIC] or try the authentication via the UID attribute

Hope this make sense


John Blance
Technical Architect
Canterbury District Health Board
Direct Dial: 03 3640707
>>> "Jay Turner" <> 12/11/02 22:07 PM >>>
Hi Henrik

Thanks for the reply.

I tried both the following with no success:

./squid_ldap_auth -b "ou=boss,o=Alpha" -f
jay password

./squid_ldap_auth -b "ou=boss,o=Alpha" -u cn
jay password
jayturner password

Do you have any other suggestions?

Netstat shows that a connection is definitely being made, and ldapsearch
still returning details when i query the Netware server via it.
I am 100% certain the username/password are correct because I deleted
recreated the user as well as creating a new user with no luck.

Thanks again for your time.


-----Original Message-----
From: Henrik Nordstrom []
Sent: Wednesday, 11 December 2002 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: [squid-users] LDAP & Novell

First you need to select which attribute to use as login name.

  cn The users full name
  uid Unique login name

If using cn then you can simply use the "-u cn" option to tell
squid_ldap_auth that your users DN is constructed using cn as the
last component.

If using uid, or if you want to support having users in multiple
subtrees then you need to use the search mode
  -f '(&(uid=%s)(objectClass=person))'


On Wednesday 11 December 2002 04.24, Jay Turner wrote:
> Hi All,
> Thanks to Henrik I have read the man page regarding
> squid_ldap_auth.
> A client has requested their Squid proxy validate usernames against
> their Netware 5.1 server. (LDAP v3 for NDS 8)
> LDAP is obviously the first way to attempt to do this.
> My Squid server is RH8.0, 2.4.18-14, Squid2.4-STABLE7,
> openldap-2.0.25-1, nss_ldap-198-3
> Unfortunately I know nothing about Netware. An external party has
> set up a development Netware server for me to try and authenticate
> against, the details are:
> IP:
> tree: NW51TREE
> o: Alpha
> ou: boss
> user (uid?): jay
> Can someone please give me a tip as to how I would use this
> information to validate against the netware server via
> squid_ldap_auth?
> I have tried the following basic test:
> ./squid_ldap_auth -b "ou=boss,o=Alpha"
> jay password
> Using the following I am able to see all the information on the NDS
> server via ldapsearch
> ldapsearch -x -b 'ou=boss,o=Alpha' '(objectclass=person)' -h
> # jay, boss, Alpha
> dn: cn=jay,ou=boss,o=Alpha
> uid: jay
> sn: turner
> objectClass: inetOrgPerson
> objectClass: organizationalPerson
> objectClass: person
> objectClass: ndsLoginProperties
> objectClass: top
> Thanks in advance
> Jay

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