[squid-users] ACL Multiple Kriteria

From: diwakoe <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 13:33:20 +0700


I'm trying using squid to replace wingate as proxy server, but i have
dificulty to set ACL in multiple criteria, this can do with wingate.

This is the example criteria:
- Only user A,B,C,D can access proxy.
- User A only can access internet address : www.abc.com , www.def.com
- User B only can access internet address : www.ghi.com , www.jkl.com
- user C dan D can access all internet address.

My squid already has an configuration like this:
acl porn1 url_regex "c:/squid/etc/porn1"
acl porn2 url_regex "c:/squid/etc/porn"
acl sites url_regex "c:/squid/etc/sites" ----> sites list
acl fel urlpath_regex \.mp3$ \.avi$ \.mpg$ \.mov$
acl user_browsing proxy_auth REQUIRED
acl myusr proxy_auth "c:/squid/etc/myusr"
acl full_usr proxy_auth "c:/squid/etc/full" ----> with full access
acl filt_usr proxy_auth "c:/squid/etc/filt" ----> filtered access

http_access deny fel
http_access allow filt !porn1 !porn2 sites
http_access allow full !porn1 !porn2
http_access allow MYLAN user_browsing full filt
http_access deny all
# end conf

the authentication is working properly, but it still can not deny the
filtered user with sites on the list, seems like no criteria for all

Any help is appreciated.

Received on Thu Dec 19 2002 - 23:36:12 MST

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