Re: [squid-users] user level internet access ??

From: Hegedus, Ervin <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2002 10:35:38 +0100


> can i configure squid to provide different access levels to users based
> on user authentication ??
sure, but doesn't the authenticator do this.

try this:

acl staff proxy_auth staff1 staff2 staff3...
acl boss proxy_auth boss1 boss2...
acl admin proxy_auth admin1 admin2...

acl all src
acl any dst
acl url1 url_regex -i cnn\.com squid-cache\.org
acl url2 url_regex -i sex girls
http_access allow staff url1
http_access allow boss any !url2
http_access allow any
http_access deny all

this is just an example...

good luck:
Received on Thu Dec 26 2002 - 02:35:40 MST

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