Re: [squid-users] Performance problems after unclear load situation (2.5.STABLE2, Solaris 8)

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: 04 Feb 2003 16:03:50 +0100

tis 2003-02-04 klockan 11.45 skrev Jost Krieger:

> squid.conf has
> cache_dir ufs /net/sunu426/disc2 28000 64 256

You want to use aufs or diskd. With ufs Squid will quickly be limited by
disk I/O.

both aufs and diskd works fine on Solaris.

aufs is simpler to install but make sure to use a current Squid-2.5
version.. there was quite critical bugs detected after 2.5.STABLE1 was
released.. and squid-2.4 and earlier have the same bugs.

diskd most likely requires some retuning of shared memory and message
queues to run properly. See the Squid FAQ and your Solaris

You should also consider splitting your mirrors in 4 separate drives for
the cache.. squid is hungry for disk spindles when being pushed at high
rates, and mirroring quite effectively reduces the amount of available
disk spindles from 2 per pair of drives to only a little more than 1 per

Henrik Nordstrom <>
MARA Systems AB, Sweden
Received on Tue Feb 04 2003 - 08:03:57 MST

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