[squid-users] Block Limit

From: Jason Kusar <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2003 19:45:16 -0500

I am currently using squid and squidguard blacklists. All access through
squid is forced to authenticate. I would like to set things up so that if a
certain user (identified by their proxy user name) receives a certain number
of blocks (as determined by the blacklists) within a certain timeframe, they
are no longer allowed access to the internet for a period of time, say two
hours. Currently when a user is blocked, they are redirected to a cgi
script that sends an email and then displays a block page.

My first thought was to have the redirect script keep track of user's blocks
and disable their username after a certain number, but then I realized that
wouldn't work, since they are already authenticated. I want squid to now
allow them anymore pages, even if they are in the same session. I'm not
sure if this is even possible, but considering how configurable squid is,
I'm sure there is some way, I just don't know what it is. If anyone can
help, I would greatly appreciate it.

Received on Sun Feb 09 2003 - 17:45:19 MST

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