Re: [squid-users] Forwarding IPs

From: Jason M. Kusar <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 21:46:16 -0500

I've actually been looking into the same thing. The forwarded_for directive
on the first proxy is part of the equation. But you need the second proxy
to read this header rathar than the origin IP. There is a set of patches
for squid 3 available here:

Of course squid 3 is not recommended for production use. I've been looking
at the patches to see what it will take to convert them for 2.5. I haven't
had a whole lot of time lately, but I hope to get around to it soon. Of
course, if the author of the patches is reading this list, perhaps he could
release his private set of 2.4 patches which would probably work with 2.5
with very little modification.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark A Lewis" <>
To: "'Beaven, Guy'" <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 6:59 PM
Subject: RE: [squid-users] Forwarding IPs

> Not sure if it would do it but I think the forwarded_for directive would
> do it.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Beaven, Guy []
> Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 5:30 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: [squid-users] Forwarding IPs
> Hi,
> I have a squid proxy setup that forwards its requests to another squid
> proxy. The problem is that I only see the IP address from the first
> proxy
> instead of the machine IPs that are connected to the first proxy. Would
> like
> the first proxy to forward the IPs of the machines connected to it?? I
> have
> had a look around and can't seem to find anything on this??
> Guy Beaven
> Email:
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Received on Tue Feb 11 2003 - 19:46:15 MST

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