[squid-users] external_acl_type not working

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2003 17:42:30 +0100 (MET)


Is it possible external_acl_type isn't working in Squid 2.5?
I've added the following lines to squid.conf:
external_acl_type room_external %SRC /usr/local/nms/nmsdeamon2
acl room external room_external
http_access allow room

Heres my little perl-program. I know the code isn't good but it should work:
#! /usr/bin/perl

sub catch_zap;

$workdir = "/usr/local/nms";

$SIG{ALRM} = \&catch_zap ;
alarm 5;

while ( 1 == 1 )
    $input = <STDIN> ;
    open (FILE, ">> /output");
    print FILE $input ;
    close FILE;
    @temp = split( /\./, $input);
    $input = $temp[0].'.'.$temp[1].'.'.$temp[2].'.0' ;
    $found = 0;
    open (FILE, ">> /output");
    print FILE $input ;
    close FILE;
    foreach $ip ( @list )
        if ( "$ip" == "$input" )
            $found = 1;
    if ( $found == 1 )
        print "OK\n";
        print "ERR\n";
    $found = 0;

sub catch_zap
    alarm 5;
    foreach $ip ( @list )
        $ip = "";
    open (FILE, "< $workdir/roomaccess");
    @list = <FILE>;
    close FILE;

I've added some lines to get debiug-infmormation in /output
The Problem is the CLient-Adress is not send to my program.
Squids only sends "\n".

What's wrong?


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