it doesn't work :-(
Anyway i forgot to paste this acl lines:
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access deny vdlsite vdlhttp http_port_80
http_access allow all
This because this squid should be my acceleration for my internet web sites.
However changing conf as you told me doesn't work yet.
In this way www.mysite.com/vdl is never blocked (http or https).
At 16.43 10/03/2003, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
>m�n 2003-03-10 klockan 15.51 skrev Hawk:
> > Sorry for boring you again...this my confs:
> >
> > acl vdlhttp url_regex -i www.mysite.com/vdl dst_port 80
>this matches case sensitive URL having any of the substrings "www[any
>character]mysite[any character]com/vdl", "dst_port" or "80" in them.
>Probably not what you want..
> > http_access deny vdlhttp
> > http_access allow all
> > httpd_accel_port 80
> > httpd_accel_host virtual
> > httpd_accel_single_host off
> > httpd_accel_uses_host_header on
> >
> > with this configuration both https & http for that sites are denied
>what you want is
>acl vdl urlpath_regex ^/vdl
>acl mysite dstdomain www.mysite.com
>acl http_port_80 myport 80
>http_access deny mysite vdl http_port_80
>Another important note:
>You do not want to run a accelerator with "http_access allow all".. You
>MUST set up access controls on which destinations may be reached via the
>accelerator. If not your accelerator can easily be abused as an open
>proxy, bouncing via the accelerator to any server on on the Internet. It
>is only a matter of minutes before such openly configured accelerator is
>found and abused by hackers for purposes you absolutely have not
>intended when setting up the accelerator..
>Instead of http_access allow all you want something like this in an
>acl my_sites dstdomain www.mysite.com www.myothersite.com ...
>acl port80 port 80
>acl http protocol http
>http_access allow my_sites http port80
>If the list of sites is long use an include file
>acl my_sites dstdomain "/path/to/accelerated_sites.txt"
>Henrik Nordstrom <hno@squid-cache.org>
>MARA Systems AB, Sweden
Received on Mon Mar 10 2003 - 08:58:52 MST
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