Re: [squid-users] using 2 sets of basic authentication in squid

From: Alex Sharaz <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 11:12:47 +0000

unfortunately the userid would be the same. The only unique parameter would
be the callers ip subnet

--On 27 March 2003 12:02 +0100 Henrik Nordstrom <> wrote:

> tor 2003-03-27 klockan 11.43 skrev Alex Sharaz:
>> can you define/run two "basic" authentication schemes on one squid box
> Not unless you from the username can determine which backend password
> database to use.
> If you can identify from the username which backend password database to
> use then it is possible to write a little glue script which sits
> inbetween Squid and the basic auth helpers, selecting which helper to
> use based on the user.
> --
> Henrik Nordstrom <>
> MARA Systems AB, Sweden

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Received on Thu Mar 27 2003 - 04:13:18 MST

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