Re: [squid-users] Transparent Proxy

From: pauloric <[email protected]>
Date: 30 Mar 2003 12:01:33 -0300

Em Sex, 2003-03-28 �s 19:07, Henrik Nordstrom escreveu:
> pauloric wrote:
> > Is it possible to have all reports generated by SARG w/ user ID instead
> > IP address??
> Only if you can make a scheme whereby the user ID can be found from the
> IP address.
> > I've been reading about external_acl_type. Is it the rigth way?
> If you find the solution to the above problem then external_acl_type can
> be used to have the username filled in by Squid.

Sorry Henrik, I didn't say all about the specs. I'm using iptables +
squid ( transparent proxy) + DHCP + SARG. Again it's all running

I've noticed that w/ sarg I can have a list w/ IPADRESS + USERID and all
reports will be generated w/ user ID, but I would like to use another
method preferably taking direct from access.log ( id user instead ip

I know that I can't have Trasparent proxy + authentication right, can I?

Then I'm thinking about using Transparent proxy + external_acl and an
external helper program ip_user_check ( from Rodrigo Campos). I've been
writing a scripts to take UserIP + name from dhcp and it's ok

I included in squid.conf:

external_acl_type ipuser %SRC %LOGIN /usr/lib/squid/ip_user_check -f

then I tried to insert an acl like this:

acl ipuser external ip_user_check
http_acess allow ipuser

but it doesn't work. Where's the problem??? I know that must be a silly


> Regards
> Henrik

Paulo Ricardo Bruck - Consultor 
R Bourbom, 56 04663-160 S�o Paulo SP 
tel 011 5686-7977 fone/fax: 011 5521-8049 cel: 011 9235-4327
Received on Sun Mar 30 2003 - 08:01:41 MST

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