Re: [squid-users] FWD: Denied unsubscriber post to squid-users

From: MASOOD AHMAD <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 08:44:23 -0800 (PST)

Dear Saif,

Above these tow lines

http_access allow privilege_ip
htpp_access deny all

you have a line like http_access allow all

you will have to comment or delete this line then it
will work keep eys on access list.....

Best Regards,
Masood Ahmad Shah
System Administrator
Fibre Net

--- Saif Ali Khan <> wrote:
> I have created an acl list
> acl privilege_ip src
> acl all
> http_access allow privilege_ip
> htpp_access deny all
> Squid allows all the ip's on the network to browse
> it has to be allow only the ip but it
> doesn't. and it doesn't read the next line, it is
> having a match at first line
> It is interpreting the first line like
> allow all ip addresses.
> Can anybody help me on the same how can I resolve
> this problem. I only want to allow specific ip's to
> browse and others should not. Help is needed on
> urgent basis.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Saif Ali Khan
> Feditec (Pvt.) Ltd.

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Received on Mon Mar 31 2003 - 09:44:27 MST

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