Re: [squid-users] Squid and DNS

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: 01 Apr 2003 12:33:02 +0200


What you can do is to make the DNS server used by Squid have reliable
access to the needed domain information, most easily done by configuring
the DNS server as if it was a secondary DNS server for the DNS zone in
question, but without having it registered in the zone.


tis 2003-04-01 klockan 10.33 skrev Emanuele Lo Giudice:
> I need to now if is possible to delegate the name resolution of some domain
> to other name server (not in the resolv.conf file)
> someting like:
> all the domain are solved by resolv.conf content
> * is dolved by x.y.z.w
> is this possible? and How?
> Thanks
> Emanuele

Henrik Nordstrom <>
MARA Systems AB, Sweden
Received on Tue Apr 01 2003 - 03:33:08 MST

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