Re: [squid-users] running out of file descriptors

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2003 23:52:17 +0200

Mike Rambo wrote:
> We're running squid-2.4.STABLE7-2mdk on Mandrake Linux release 9.0
> (dolphin) for i586. It's been running ok for a few weeks. I noticed this
> morning numerous "WARNING! Your cache is running out of filedescriptors"
> errors in cache.log.

In most cases this is actually a sign of other problems hogging down
Squid, causing connections to pile up.

Begin by a health check of your system:

  a) Is it swapping?

  b) What cache_dir type are you using? If using ufs, consider swiching
to aufs or diskd

  c) How many requests/second are Squid processing during peak hours?

> Before I embark upon these adventures however I'd appreciate some advice
> regarding the best way to solve this problem. Would moving to
> 2.5.STABLE_whatever solve this without modifying header files?

Squid-2.5.STABLE can be compiled with support for many filedescriptors
without modifying the Linux header files with most currently used GNU
libc versions.

Note of warning to Linux users: The Linux GNU libc headers assumes the
maximum number of filedescriptors is an multiple of 32. Make sure this
is the case when you build Squid with more than the default 1024
filedescriptors or odd effects may be seen under load.. (all Squid

Received on Tue Apr 01 2003 - 15:01:18 MST

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