Re: [squid-users] Java-problems

From: Marc Elsen <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 05 Apr 2003 11:31:03 +0200

ingop wrote:
> Hello community,
> i�m experiencing trouble with squid 2.4 stable 3 and java on linux.
> on some sites that are interesting for our users you simply see a grey
> square instead of a java-applet.
> we are using a parent host but when i use the parent proxy directly the
> site appears as it should with applets and so on.
> so it has to be a prob with my squid. did anyone else have similar
> problems and solved them ?
> an examplepage is where your route can be showed as
> java-applet.
> greetings ingo

 Try excluding browser issues , such as sec. concerning Java (settings)
 and trusting proxies e.d.

 Meaning verify for instance with : IE - Netscape - Mozilla.
 If it works for one, your problem is likely to be squid-unrelated.

 Advising also to upgrade your squid(s) to the latest stable
 release (2.5S2).


 'Love is truth without any future.
 (M.E. 1997)
Received on Sat Apr 05 2003 - 02:31:38 MST

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