Re: [squid-users] Optimize / Performance / Dimensioning of a proxysquid

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: 07 Apr 2003 15:14:24 +0200

m�n 2003-04-07 klockan 14.12 skrev ROUTIER Gilles:

> Henrik, I calculated 1500 requetes per minutes roughly, that is to say
> 25 requetes at the second.

Then basically any hardware will do fine with only little or no tuning
required.. Only thing to consider is basically not to oversize the cache
as this may negatively impair performance if you then run short of
memory (see the Squid FAQ for memory calculation guidelines)..


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Received on Mon Apr 07 2003 - 07:15:18 MDT

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