Have you compiled your Squid with support for authentication in
accelerators? (AUTH_ON_ACCEL define)
And are you aware that you can only have one level of logins in HTTP? If
you also have internal web servers requiring authentication then it can
only work if both the accelerator and the internal server uses the same
login+password information.
tis 2003-04-08 klockan 11.18 skrev sebastian.nell@bgs-ag.de:
> Hi!
> I've been playing around with squid_ldap_auth aber squid_ldap_group.
> I am using Squid as http accelerator / redirector.
> How can I prompt a user for username and password when trying to access a
> internal server through squid?
> I already have an LDAP where the apropriate informations are stored!
> thankful for any help!
> mfg
> Sebastian Nell
> *******************************************
> Beratungsgesellschaft
> Software Systemplanung AG
> Gesch�ftssitz Mainz
> Niederlassung Rhein/Main
> Robert-Koch-Stra�e 41
> 55129 Mainz
> Phone: 06131 914-0 (-166), Fax -400
> E-Mail: Sebastian.Nell@bgs-ag.de
> web: www.bgs-ag.de
> ********************************************
-- Henrik Nordstrom <hno@squid-cache.org> MARA Systems AB, SwedenReceived on Tue Apr 08 2003 - 04:24:42 MDT
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