Re: [squid-users] Is this a bug? Apache/Squid

From: Marc Elsen <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2003 16:10:23 +0200 wrote:
> Well, I turned off squid last night and now I can get to my web site. Is
> this a bug? No matter how I configured squid, I could not get to my web
> site with it running. I had asked this earlier, but never got a response.
> -Jim

 Your post contains little info as to continue on this problem :

 Which version of squid are you using ?
 On which platform/os/version ?

 Are you using an accelerated squid setup, to accel a site ?
 Or is it just an access problem when accessing a specific
 site through squid ?
 If the last case ? ->
   What's in access log for a particular url ?
   Do you have any other(error) info in Squid's cache.log ?


 'Love is truth without any future.
 (M.E. 1997)
Received on Wed Apr 09 2003 - 08:10:56 MDT

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