Re: [squid-users] File Uploading Issue

From: Marc Elsen <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 09:27:23 +0200

atit jariwala wrote:
> Hello Squid Users,
> I am using squid 2.5 stable1
> does this version of squid supports file uploading?


> for e.g considering case:
> if i am sending mail to my freind containg file as attachement
> does squid cache this
> I think due to dynamic session it will not as it might match no_cache
> directive?

 But why do you think this is squid,http proxy related.
 Sending e-mail is done by a mailer, which usually doesn't use
 http as a transport method. Basically these issues are unrelated.

 Which e-mail program are you using ?
 Which mailserver setup ?

> but if uploading any file any how and no_cache is not matched for this url,
> still squid cache it?
> my purpose is to restrict file uploading
> i gone through squid.conf.default and FAQ, i found,
> req_mime_type: regular expression pattern matching on the request
> content-type header.

  req_mime_type can be used to allow file uploading through squid.

> does this help me?

> waiting for reply..............
> == atit

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 (M.E. 1997)
Received on Thu Apr 10 2003 - 01:28:42 MDT

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