Re: [squid-users] Chain proxy URLs

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: 25 Apr 2003 16:17:42 +0200

fre 2003-04-25 klockan 15.18 skrev Francois Liot:
> Dear all,
> As far as I renember,
> It's possible to write manually chained proxy request,
> something like http://myproxy:3128/_-_http://myrpoxy2:8080/_-_
> or at least http://myproxy:3128/_-_

Not without a great deal of effort. HTTP does not have a concept of
source request routing beyond the ability to select to use a proxy or
not. If a proxy is used then request routing is up to the proxy used.

For something like the above to work you

a) must use a proxy which supports such chaining.

b) The same proxy must also rewrite all links in replies to use the same
weird syntax.

As Marc said, about the only kind of proxies capable of this is the
"proxy" services used by certain anonymisation companies on the Internet
and other similar services intentionally changing the returned content.


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Received on Fri Apr 25 2003 - 08:17:49 MDT

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