RE: [squid-users] RE: Cisco content engine & Squid

From: McWhirter,Julia <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 10:11:00 +0100

Yes I thought the lack of response might be down to the briefness of my
first mail.

OK the reason I looked at squid was that we need new URL filtering S/W,
we have a low budget this year so it has to be open source, we currently
use websense. Only a few are listed on the web squidguard and
dansguardian, both work with squid cache engine. Dansguardian has a
cost associated with commercial use (I mean no budget not low) and
therefore the obvious option was squidguard.

OK so I downloaded squidguard compiled it and did all the tests etc
setup the filter.conf and all seems fine, does what we need.

So now I need to integrate with squid. Our current setup is a Cisco
content engine (used for http/ftp proxy and cache engine), which is
adequate at our current user level. OK so I am only considering
implementing squid to support squidguard. This is the short-term issue
anyway long term I would like to investigate and optimize the caching.
All users are configured to use the proxy for web related access to the
internet and the firewall will reject direct requests from clients to
the internet for ftp and http. The firewall is also a cisco product
PIX-515. All users are on a single private network the PIX does the NAT (many private to single
public address).

Platform for running squid that I have is a SUN E450 (4 x cpu 296mhz)
1GB mem running Solaris 8.

So I have been reading some of the mail archives and these point to WCCP
v1 (do not think v2 is supported for squid, although have read something
about a patch?). I guess to get the ultimate aim which is URL filtering
I have to push everything to the squid server? This will then make the
caching services on the content engine redundant?

Also are WCCP and especially the GRE module available on Solaris? Can I
get the source? Is WCCP the correct solution?

I hope this is the correct mailing list for these questions and also
that some one could at least point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anthony M. Rasat []
> Sent: 26 April 2003 10:31
> To:
> Cc: McWhirter,Julia
> Subject: Re: [squid-users] RE: Cisco content engine & Squid
> Perhaps you should share more detail on that issue such as what would
you like
> to do with Squid, what is operating system involved, current network
> configuration and how is Cisco accelerator configured in your network.
> Regards,
> Anthony M. Rasat
> Speednet Engineering
> PT. HGP Palangkaraya
> Palangkaraya - Indonesia.
> Pada Kamis, 24 April 2003 21:20, anda menulis:
> > > Can anyone point me in the direction of documentation/help with
> >
> > configuring
> >
> > > squid to work with an existing cisco content engine.
> > >
> > > Regards
> > > Julia.
Received on Mon Apr 28 2003 - 03:11:25 MDT

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