On Thursday 01 May 2003 16.20, Robert Cochran wrote:
> We are currently having troubles with an ACL list that we use. The
> problem is when we have a long url such as
> http://sns.cqr.www.aol.com/_cqr/xdomain/finish.psp?domain=www.aol.c
> main=aol.com&time=1051798020&batchNum=0&MC_CMP_SX=diAxLjAga2lkIDIwM
> EwMDAyMDU2NQ%253d%253d%2d3eomlmjLvRDPJDyvauQQLbSfLTwDSySQQFvyI%252f
>KqT%252bu 6h%252bLvzQbm0DKlNkMcLA . Is there any way to squid to not
> use the ACL for certain sites? Thanks in advance.
Exacly what is your problem with these long URLs?
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