Re: [squid-users] Squid+AntiVirus+Content Filtering

From: Christoph Haas <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 4 May 2003 14:33:46 +0200

On Sun, May 04, 2003 at 12:29:59PM +0200, Mauro wrote:
> I'm still thinking which is the best solution in a proxy+anticirus/content
> filtering architecture.
> I mean let say I run a box with squid and box with
> Antivirus/ContentFiltering (ex. DansGuardian or better Igear)....the
> question is
> is better create a chain which use squid and then redirect all the stuff to
> te AV/CF or
> to use first AV/CF and then point squid ?
> Client Browser ------> Squid (with proxy cache on) ------> Igear or
> DansGuardian -----> Intenet
> Client Browser ------> Igear or DansGuardian --------> Squid (with proxy
> cache on) --------> Internet
> Which solution probably has the best performance ?????

I would always put Squid first. Most other proxy servers (we use
WebWasher and VirusWall) are not that flexible in means of configuration
as Squid is. There is often a situation that you need to "always_direct"
an intranet server that would normally be forwarded to the parent proxy.

I also tried to access other proxys using ICAP to shorten the proxy
chain. But I would not really recommend using ICAP yet.


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