For connect polygraph to squid :
I am not need config squid server address in .pg file ? But I can use
"polyclt --config --proxy squid-IP : squid-port"
What 's polyprx used for ?
Do you have some .pg file for testing squid? And polygraph 's command to
used for squid testing?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Henrik Nordstrom" <>
To: "Rodsak Promrattanakul" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2003 1:57 AM
Subject: Re: Squid Test Case
> m�n 2003-05-05 klockan 20.39 skrev Rodsak Promrattanakul:
> > I am trying to study polygraph ,but I have suspicious about :
> > How to connect polygraph to squid ?
> >
> > What is the "cache size" in polygraph ? I just want to use cache_mem in
> > squid server ?
> cache size in polygraph is the total size of the object cache in the
> proxy server you are testing. For a Squid server this is the sum of
> cache_dir + cache_mem.
> It is used by polygraph for calculating how much traffic it needs to
> generate to make sure the cache is filled before actually doing
> measurements. Measurements on an empty disk cache is not valid.
> If you are running Squid without any disk cache (cache_dir null) and
> only using cache_mem then a reasonable value to polygraph is the larges
> cache_mem value you are going to test.
> Regards
> Henrik
> --
> Henrik Nordstrom <>
> MARA Systems AB
Received on Mon May 05 2003 - 23:08:32 MDT
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