[squid-users] srcdomain

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 9 May 2003 14:50:02 +0100

I wonder if anybody has any pointers to what is going wrong on one of my
squid cache user machines.

I have an ACL set up to allow machines to use the cache if they are in a
list using srcdomain
entered like this: machinename.mydomainame.biz, this works fine for
clients running windows xp machines
but windows 2000 and NT machines always fail with access denied. It is as
if they are reporting the wrong
hostname or squid cannot determine the hostname, yet from the machine
commandline (redhat linux 9, squid 2.5 STABLE 1)
i can ping by machine name. As soon as I allow it by IP address in the ACL
it works.

Does anybody know of a way I can see the host name they are reporting to
squid or have any pointers to where
in the windows network settings it is going wrong?

Andrew McGuigan

Received on Fri May 09 2003 - 08:31:14 MDT

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