Notice: Squid-2.5.STABLE3 is currently under preparation.
If you know of any issues you like to have corrected in Squid-2.5 you
have until tuesday to file a good bug report for this to be
considered for 2.5.STABLE3.
Bug reports analyzed after tuesday will not be considered for the
2.5.STABLE3 release unless considered critical in nature by the Squid
developers or a regression error introduced by the patches to
2.5.STABLE3 is currently scheduled to be released the 19/5 unless
there is critical bugs or regression errors found delaying the
For instructions on how to file Squid bug reports see the Squid FAQ
Squid FAQ 11.19 Sending in Squid bug reports
If you have already filed a bug report you think should be fixed in
the 2.5.STABLE3 release but there has not been any response by the
Squid developers please write a note in your bug report asking what
the status of your bug is.
For those of you who can test new Squid releases in controlled manners
it would be helpful to the Squid developers if you tried to test one
of the recent Squid-2.5 nightly snapshots (squid-2.5.STABLE2-20030511
or later) to make sure there is no regression errors introduced by
the patches.
Nightly snapshots can be found from the Squid-2.5 page
Details on the bugs fixed for the Squid-2.5.STABLE3 release can be
found on the Squid-2.5 patches page
Henrik Nordstr�m
The Squid Developer Team
Received on Sun May 11 2003 - 16:10:03 MDT
This archive was generated by hypermail pre-2.1.9 : Tue Dec 09 2003 - 17:16:34 MST