tor 2003-05-15 klockan 16.26 skrev Sjaak Nabuurs:
> I'm new to this list and like to ask the following i've secarched the
> internet for a while but it's not realy clear to me.
> I have a server in a datacenter and a few servers on my office location.
> On my office location have nearly 200 websites on 5 servers with a thin
> internet connection.
> Now I like to setup squid to do redirect/accelerate all the website's.
> How to set this up easy.
I'd recommend a setup without redirectors.
Basic accelerator configuration template:
# Set up acceleration on port 80
cache_port 80
httpd_accel_host your.main.domain
httpd_accel_port 80
httpd_accel_uses_host_header on
httpd_accel_with_proxy on
# Allow cachemgr access
acl cachemgr protocol cache_object
acl managers src
http_access allow cachemgr managers
http_access deny cachemgr
# Allow manager stations to PURGE content from the accelerator
acl PURGE method PURGE
http_access allow PURGE managers
http_access deny PURGE
# Allow access to accelerated servers
acl myservers dst ip.of.server.1 ip.of.server.2 ...
acl HTTP protocol HTTP
acl port80 port 80
http_access allow HTTP myservers port80
# Deny all other uses of the accelerator
http_access deny all
# Cache configuration
cache_dir ...
cache_dir ...
cache_dir ...
# Tunings
half_closed_clients off
range_offset_limit -1
Then add your accelerated domains to /etc/hosts with the IP addresses of
your real servers and change the DNS entries of the accelerated domains
to the address of your Squid server.
Alternatively to using /etc/hosts you can set up a private DNS server
for Squid to use, returning the real IP addresses of your servers to
Squid. This is probably easier if you have a lot of domains and want
flexibility in adding/removing domains or moving them between different
real web servers.
-- Donations welcome if you consider my Free Squid support helpful. Please consult the Squid FAQ and other available documentation before asking Squid questions, and use the squid-users mailing-list when no answer can be found. Private support questions is only answered for a fee or as part of a commercial Squid support contract. If you need commercial Squid support or cost effective Squid and firewall appliances please refer to MARA Systems AB, Sweden, [email protected]Received on Thu May 15 2003 - 11:37:23 MDT
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