RE: [squid-users] Established connection

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: 16 May 2003 16:23:58 +0200

fre 2003-05-16 klockan 15.36 skrev Ciocanel Andreea:
> I removed the store.log file at 13:00 o'clock, now it is 16:00 and the
> file size is already 150466935..

This is more normal... 7MB in 30 seconds is a lot, 150MB in 3 hours of
peak usage is quite normal.

> I had the cache_dir set to the default value (100MB) now I set it to
> 400...i even put 2 cache_dir (one a different partition), but on the
> cache manager I can not see the new cache_dir...

I think even 400 may be very little for your use if you want any decent
hit ratio in your cache..

But if you cannot see your new cache_dir then either there was a syntax
error preventing Squid from understanding your new cache_dir, or Squid
is not using the configuration file you think it is using.

Check your configuration by running

   squid -k parse

> I set now the cache_store_log none, I deleted the store.log file,
> restarted the suid...but the store.log appeared back where it was...

Further evidence that your Squid is probably not using the squid.conf
configuration file you think it is using..

Regarding your original problem: How much HTTP traffic is your Squid
processing? A quick estimate based on the growth of your store.log
indicates quite a lot.. probably you are processing more traffic than a
single harddrive can sustain for the cache.

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Received on Fri May 16 2003 - 08:24:06 MDT

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