On Saturday 17 May 2003 01.37, jamie wrote:
> > Yes. You need quotes around each argument with sensitive
> > characters
> >
> > Sensitive characters are
> >
> > ( ) & and spaces
> This is starting to make sense.
> My problem is this little guy (uid=%s) in my
> open2(*read1,*write1,"/usr/lib/squid/squid_ldap_auth -u cn -b
> ou=people,dc=newberg,dc=k12,dc=or,dc=us -f (uid=%s) -h
> ldap.newberg.k12.or.us");
> When I pull it out of the open2 script I get no errors. It still
> doesn't work as I think it needs that for the search filter.
> So I tried to put the quotes around the sensitive characters. But I
> don't really under stand what that means HAHA!
> Man I tried it every which way I could think of and still got
> errors.
> "(uid=%s)"
> ("uid=%s")
> ("uid"=%s)
> (uid="%s")
> "("uid=%s")"
> I am at a loss on this one.
As you are already inside a quoted string in your perl script you
either have to use single quotes, or escape the quotes with a \
"/usr/lib/squid/squid_ldap_auth ... -f '(uid=%s)' ..."
"/usr/lib/squid/squid_ldap_auth ... -f \"(uid=%s)\" ..."
or you can invert the qoting:
'/usr/lib/squid/squid_ldap_auth ... -f "(uid=%s)" ...'
Note that in the last example you cannot use any perl variables inside
the command line (your script don't..).
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