Re: [squid-users] Cache Mem

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: 19 May 2003 19:32:23 +0200

m�n 2003-05-19 klockan 19.04 skrev pauloric:

> a) total memory = 10 x cache dir ( n Gb) + cache_mem + 10~20MRAM (for
> system)
> cache_dir ......n 16 256 n-> space for cache swap
> ok this is the formula to knowm how much memory I use but, what about
> cache_mem??? I read the cache_mem is used to hot objects , etc etc but
> how much should I use ? Is there a rule of thumb here?

Not too much..

As you see above the amount of cache_mem also impacts how much memory
you need.

> b) ufs, aufs or diskd. which is the best, and when/why?

ufs is good for request rates up to about 40 requests/s.

When going above that you need to look into aufs or diskd. aufs is
recommended for Linux and Solaris, diskd for FreeBSD and most other

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Received on Mon May 19 2003 - 11:32:32 MDT

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