Re: [squid-users] Popups

From: Adam <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 09:44:42 -0700

>"Frank Chibesakunda" wrote:

> This is getting out of hand, am running squid for about 500 users on the
> internet, the complaint is that they are so many popup internet windows,
> it's just too much, can squid help in blocking this???? please help

Well I may have misunderstood your question but I use Netscape 7.02 that
comes with two handy features:
1. Edit -> Preferences -> Privacy & Security -> Popup Window Controls
    I selected "Supress popups." The nice thing about this is that you can
include exceptions.
    For example, Legato now uses javascript pop-ups for their support/
knowledgebase and
     it works even though all other pop-ups are suppressed.

2. Slightly related is that you can also control Javascript under
Advanced -> Scripts & Plugins -> Allow Javascript for Navigator
    Then within that you can restrict what functions you will allow your
javascript to do.

Other browsers may do all that and more, we are confined to IE for most of
the company and Netscape for some in IS. Anyhow I think the gist is that
this can resolved at the browser instead of looking for a proxy based


Received on Tue May 20 2003 - 10:45:56 MDT

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