Re: [squid-users] Squid and FTP

From: Fernando Maior <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 09:05:29 -0400

Citando Henrik Nordstrom <>:

> On Thursday 29 May 2003 17.09, Mahesh Kudva wrote:
> > I have squid 2.5 running on redhat 7.3 as transparent proxy.
> > Problem is I cannot access any ftp sites. If I try to access using
> > local ftp it says "I'll open connection to only x.x.x.x" where
> > x.x.x.x is my global ip which connects to the internet.
> > I have seen the acl's and made sure that no acl touch the potocol
> > ftp nor the ftp ports.
> Squid is not even involved in this traffic. Your problem is a
> networking problem, not a Squid problem.
> Sounds to me as if you are using NAT witout support for FTP.

Henrik, I apologize for sending the response for this email directly
for you, when I pressed the "Response" in my webmail it just copied
your address as the "To", not the list address.

Mahesh, Squid is NOT a FTP proxy. I too thought it was, but it is not.
So, you need to 1) look for a FTP proxy in the Net or 2) use you
ipchains/iptables to set up a NAT firewall to route your FTP packets
to the Net.

Fernando Maciel Souto Maior
+55+31 3270-5886

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