RE: [squid-users] Squid Memory Limits

From: Adam Aube <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 16:02:53 -0400

> The server I am running squid on has 2 Gigs of Physical Memory and
> a 2 Gig Swap partition. I have my Memory Usage Limit set to 1Gig in
> my Squid .conf, but Squid often runs over 1 gig into my swap space
> after about a month of uptime.

See FAQ 8.1 - "Why does Squid use so much memory!?"

Quick Summary:

The limit you set in squid.conf is only for the memory Squid uses to
hold objects for faster serving to clients.

Squid uses 72 bytes of memory per cache object to hold metatdata. Other
than shrinking your cache, there is no way to control the memory Squid
uses to hold metadata. (On Alpha platforms, it's 104 bytes/object)

Squid also uses some memory for other tasks.


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