[squid-users] LAG !!!

From: squid_user <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 14:44:40 +0200

Hello everyone,

I ve been useing squid for about 1 year. I didnt notice that earlyer
but last
time i found taht when i want to open some WWW pages then i have to
wait about sometimes 10-15 sec before browser show me something.

Is that normal ? or maybe i should add something to squid.conf to
avoid this lagg... i dont know plz help me to solve that problem.

When i turn off squid then web browsing works much more quick.

will be thankful for any advice

my squid.conf:

http_port 3128
#ftp_port 3128
icp_port 0
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
no_cache deny QUERY
cache_mem 64 MB
cache_dir ufs /cache 200 16 256
redirect_rewrites_host_header off
#replacement_policy GDSF
acl localnet src
acl localhost src
acl Safe_ports port 80 443 210 119 70 21 1025-65535
acl all src
acl manager proto cache_object
http_access allow localnet
http_access allow localhost
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT
http_access deny all
maximum_object_size 2000 KB
ipcache_size 1024
ipcache_low 90
ipcache_high 95
cache_mgr twoj@email
cache_effective_user squid
cache_effective_group squid
log_icp_queries off
cachemgr_passwd tajnehaselko all
buffered_logs on
positive_dns_ttl 6 hours
Received on Sun Aug 10 2003 - 06:38:48 MDT

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