RE: [squid-users] bungling my squid.conf for front-end-https=on, OWA

From: David Gibson <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 12:55:45 -0400

Hello again,

I've now successfully patched and recompiled, and the front-end-https option is working. But... Virtual host support no longer appears to be working. I had a redirector that was working with http && https before using the cache_peer option. I'm guessing that the cache peer option over-rides the ssl traffic redirection- is that true?

Is there a simialr cache-peer virtual command, or other workaround? I have one owa box, and one generic web server- I'm trying to do https from client to proxy, http from proxy to server...



-----Original Message-----
From: David Gibson
Sent: Wed 8/13/2003 9:03 AM
To: Henrik Nordstrom;
Subject: RE: [squid-users] bungling my squid.conf for front-end-https=on, OWA
Glad I asked... ;)

-----Original Message-----
From: Henrik Nordstrom []
Sent: Wed 8/13/2003 2:32 AM
To: David Gibson;
Subject: Re: [squid-users] bungling my squid.conf for front-end-https=on, OWA
On Wednesday 13 August 2003 06.00, David Gibson wrote:

> By looking at the contents of the patch, it appears that I'm
> supposed to make the changes in the files listed in accordance with
> the "diffs." So, essentially, I'd be making changes to the 17 or so
> files listed below, and recompiling. Do I have that right?

Yes, that is one way.

Alternatively and what most people do unless there is a problem with
the patch is to use the patch program to do the edits for you. The
patch program reads diff files and edits files according to the
instructions in the diff file.

Received on Wed Aug 13 2003 - 10:55:46 MDT

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