Re: [squid-users] Squid Report Issue

From: <Jim_Brouse/[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 10:07:22 -0700

I think I might have found part of the problem. I have a access.log file
for that date that is 514 megs and I also have a bk.access.log file for
that date that is only 150 megs. The two files are only separated by

Is it possible for some reason that squid split the acccess.log file so now
i need to cat them together?

How can I tell which one I need to cat to which one? if I use filename >>
filename how can I tell which one should be >> into the other one? They
are only separated by a minute.

What I am thinking happened is that while SARG was running then there was
another cron job that did a /us/sbin/squid -k shutdown

Below is their output from an ls -alht
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 514M Jul 31 15:14 access-07-25-03.log
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 150M Jul 31 15:13


                    ITRIBE.ORG To:
                    08/18/2003 10:51 AM Subject: [squid-users] Squid Report Issue

Currently, I am having a problem I can not resolve at this point though. I
have tried looking everywhere
for information on this particular squid report issue. I am using SARG for
these reports.

I do not always get these errors.

There is a cron job every night and sometimes I get reports that list about
7000 userid's.

We have less than 500 users that have Internet access and the data for all
of the
500 users is not in report with the 7000 users which do not show correct ip
addresses they are just a set of zeros
here is an example of one of the userids "000000000000007" normally it is
an IP address that makes in the userid field.

Received on Tue Aug 19 2003 - 11:07:29 MDT

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