[squid-users] LDAP + SQUID = AUTH ERROR

From: Arias, Sebastian Alejandro - (Ext Arg) <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 12:43:55 -0300


        I receive ERR messages at every time that I try to autenticate users
with the squid_auth_ldap script.

        I tried with:

        ./squid_auth_ldap -S -D
"CN=username,OU=ITS,OU=Sistemas,OU=Cuentas de
usuario,dc=ar,dc=attla,dc=corp" -s "dc=ar,dc=attla,dc=corp" -w password -e
-U sAMAccountName

or with:

./squid_auth_ldap -S -D
"CN=username,OU=ITS,OU=Sistemas,OU=Cuentas de
usuario,dc=ar,dc=attla,dc=corp" -s "dc=ar,dc=attla,dc=corp" -w password -e

I receive the following debug output:

[root@localhost auth]# ./squid_auth_ldap -S -D
"CN=username,OU=ITS,OU=Sistemas,OU=Cuentas de
usuario,dc=ar,dc=attla,dc=corp" -s "dc=ar,dc=attla,dc=corp" -w password -e
squid_auth_ldap[11578]: - trying to connect to:
squid_auth_ldap[11578]: - connected to ldapServer
squid_auth_ldap[11578]: - bound to as
CN=username,OU=ITS,OU=Sistemas,OU=Cuentas de usuario,dc=ar,dc=attla,dc=corp
squid_auth_ldap[11578]: - ready
squid_auth_ldap[11578]: - got User: USERX
squid_auth_ldap[11578]: - got Password: th.l37kXYGZaI
squid_auth_ldap[11578]: - searchstr:
(&(|(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(objectClass=alias)) (|
squid_auth_ldap[11578]: - start searching for sAMAccountName: USERX
squid_auth_ldap[11578]: - search done
squid_auth_ldap[11578]: - user "USERX", not found!
squid_auth_ldap[11578]: - usr seba -> Cannot find user!

But if I try to take the list of users at this directory with the ldapsearch
I receive the following ...

[root@localhost auth]# ldapsearch -x -h -D
'cn=user,ou=its,ou=sistemas,ou=cuentas de usuario,dc=ar,dc=attla,dc=corp' -w
password -b 'ou=cuentas de usuario,dc=ar,dc=attla,dc=corp' | more
version: 2

# filter: (objectclass=*)
# requesting: ALL

# Cuentas de Usuario,DC=ar,DC=attla,DC=corp
dn: OU=Cuentas de Usuario,DC=ar,DC=attla,DC=corp
dSCorePropagationData: 20010806213146.0Z
dSCorePropagationData: 16010101000001.0Z
instanceType: 4
distinguishedName: OU=Cuentas de Usuario,DC=ar,DC=attla,DC=corp
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
objectGUID:: jWkEzCuY+EyBd6ZwJ7mWCg==
ou: Cuentas de Usuario
name: Cuentas de Usuario
uSNChanged: 10137458
uSNCreated: 29434
whenChanged: 20030804173421.0Z
whenCreated: 20010509144412.0Z

# Marco Regulatorio,Cuentas de Usuario,DC=ar,DC=attla,DC=corp
dn: OU=Marco Regulatorio,OU=Cuentas de Usuario,DC=ar,DC=attla,DC=corp
dSCorePropagationData: 20030804173421.0Z
dSCorePropagationData: 20030731190136.0Z
dSCorePropagationData: 20030724181152.0Z
dSCorePropagationData: 20010806213146.0Z
dSCorePropagationData: 16010714223649.0Z
instanceType: 4
distinguishedName: OU=Marco Regulatorio,OU=Cuentas de
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
objectGUID:: Fs/17ZKb+0Gam/YB63mHFg==
ou: Marco Regulatorio
name: Marco Regulatorio
uSNChanged: 74641
uSNCreated: 74641
whenChanged: 20010531185741.0Z
whenCreated: 20010531185741.0Z

and blah ...

I think that the path to reach the authtentication Its fine, would you think
because the script can't find the user? ....


Sebasti�n Arias
Infraestructure & Technologies
AT&T Lat�n Am�rica, Argentina
Phone: [5411]5288-0524 - Fax: [5411]5288-0408

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Received on Fri Aug 22 2003 - 09:47:40 MDT

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