Re: [squid-users] ad hoc access to squid?

From: Robert Collins <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2003 06:40:45 +1000

On Sat, 2003-08-23 at 00:35, Dave Miller wrote:
> Can anyone tell me if it is possible to use a squid proxy inline of a
> URL? I currently have a primary proxy/firewall for our 600 users. I
> have an alternate proxy installed on a Linux box. (squid 2.3) If I am
> working on a users system with limited access through the primary
> firewall I temporarily redirect them through squid to gain access to
> patches or other resource. On completion I remove the special proxy.
> Now with the recent rash of patches and virus' I hope to create an
> Intranet web page that can redirect users via a hidden URL to outside
> sites. I was picturing something like
> http://proxyserver:port#?
> Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

You can do this, possibly just with a redirector. BTW the url would need
to be

And further, would need to be encoded - which the browser will do


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Received on Fri Aug 22 2003 - 14:40:52 MDT

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