Re: [squid-users] Help with squid to work with another http proxy

From: Fire-starter <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 08:56:01 +0500

See the

cache_peer directive in squid.conf .


----- Original Message -----
From: "Kenneth Oncinian" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 8:34 AM
Subject: [squid-users] Help with squid to work with another http proxy

> Hi,
> Im new to squid and I'm confused about our network setup and how to
> implement squid with it.
> Our network Internet access is based on http proxy only, the proxy
> server's ip address is external which is accessible to all LAN address,
> same as DNS server. So basically, we cant ping any external address, for
> example, ping will error out because basically we dont have
> access to outside world, only through http proxy.
> I need to have an http proxy within our network so that we can have
> control over them, like who can access the internet, time of day
> Internet is available and content filtering as well. This is where the
> confusion begins, can I have a proxy server if my connection is only tru
> a proxy server?
> I have initially set my squid.conf like this:
> cache_peer <external_proxy_address> parent 8080 0 proxy-only
> acl my_network src
> acl all src
> acl manager protocol cache_object
> acl localhost src
> http_access allow manager localhost
> http_access allow my_network
> http_access deny all
> Basically, this works but cannot retrieve *some websites because of
> "dnsserver returned NO DNS records" error. Some site works, some doesnt.
> When I start squid with squid -d1NC -D, I can see that it uses the DNS
> server given in my /etc/resolve.conf. Starting squid without -D fails
> due to DNS test.
> But if I will use my external proxy server's address to browse the
> Internet, all websites can be accessed, even IRC channels.
> How can I configure my squid.conf to match exactly the behaviour of our
> external proxy server? Is this
> possible?
> Thanks and best regards,
> Kenneth Oncinian
Received on Sun Aug 24 2003 - 21:58:24 MDT

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