Re: [squid-users] Users need to authenticate time and again

From: Christoph Haas <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 10:50:08 +0200

On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 10:48:44PM +0200, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> On Thursday 28 August 2003 13.44, Christoph Haas wrote:
> > One of our Squid proxys behaves strange. The users need to
> > authenticate for every single URL they request. That means they
> > need to re-enter their credentials for the HTML page itself and for
> > all contained images.

> Hmm.. sounds like their browser have gone nuts. Have seen this happen
> a few times with some beta versions of Mozilla where it cached a bad
> password in addition to the password entered in the login box,
> reusing the bad password on the next request..

Unfortunately it isn't the browsers. I have checked three users. All of
them have the problem only on the one proxy server with any account and
any browser (Mozilla, IE, Opera, Firebird). Interesting to know: lynx
accesses do work. But I swear that not all of us have changed our
setting on three different client workstations. It is something on the
server. I just don't know what. The password is correct. And IMHO the
Squid doesn't care about re-authentication because the browser sends the
credentials to the proxy with every request. But the problem is still
located at the one proxy. It queries an LDAP server which even works
well for the other cluster nodes. :(


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