[squid-users]Squid exited due to signal11

From: MUTHUKUMAR KANDASAMY <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 09:59:24 +0000

Hello all ,

I involved in the Sys_epoll testings on Squid-3.0-PRE on i386.
I have configured the squid with
<<Configure Options>>
Squid Cache: Version 3.0-PRE3-20030818
configure options: '--prefix=/usr/local/squidepoll' '--enable-epoll'
'--disable-poll' '--disable-select' '--disable-kqueue'
'--enable-storeio=null,ufs,aufs' '--enable-async-io=16'
'--with-file-descriptors=16384' '--with-pthreads'

While in the testing with polygraph only it gave -1 values.I made a lookup
in the cache.log.There is no entries .In there ,the squid is started without
any termination message as like
2003/08/27 15:43:03| Starting Squid Cache version 3.0-PRE3-20030818 for
2003/08/27 15:43:03| Process ID 2203
2003/08/27 15:43:04| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2003/08/27 15:43:16| Starting Squid Cache version 3.0-PRE3-20030818 for
2003/08/27 15:43:16| Process ID 2206

2003/08/27 15:43:04| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2003/08/27 15:43:16| Starting Squid Cache version 3.0-PRE3-20030818 for
and so on.
Then i looked up the /var/log/messages ,there
I found the messages as
Aug 27 15:43:27 lotus squid[2197]: Squid Parent: child process 2209 exited
due to signal 11
Aug 27 15:43:30 lotus squid[2197]: Squid Parent: child process 2212 started
Aug 27 15:43:31 lotus squid[2197]: Squid Parent: child process 2212 exited
due to signal 11
Aug 27 15:43:34 lotus squid[2197]: Squid Parent: child process 2215 started
Aug 27 15:43:37 lotus squid[2197]: Squid Parent: child process 2215 exited
due to signal 11

So what is the effect of signal 11 on squid ? Is there any modifications
needed in the configure options.

Thanks in advance for the response.


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Received on Fri Aug 29 2003 - 03:59:28 MDT

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