On Friday 05 September 2003 20.45, Jim Flowers wrote:
> I am trying to set up a Squid3 accelerator to accept https://
> requests and to rewrite them to a virtual domain as http://
> requests. In order to do this I use:
> https_port 443 cert=/usr/local/etc/apache/ssl.crt/server.crt
> key=/usr/local/etc/apache/ssl.key/server.key accel
> defaultsite=my.virtualhost.com protocol=http.
Looks fine.
> This appears to rewrite everything to http://my.virtualhost.com on
> its own and does not ever get to the redirect_program instead
> showing up as an http:// request at my.virtualhost.com on port 443.
Why are you using a redirect program?
The requests should not get forwarded at all unless you for some
reason forces these direct, and if they are they should end up as
http://my.virtualhost.com/ (port 80).
There was some minor issues in how Squid-3 handled this some weeks ago
(sometimes getting the port number incorrect on accelerated requests)
but it should work fine now.
> Can Apache3 be configured as an accelerator rewriting https://
> requests to http:// name-based virtual domains? How do I get the
> request to the redirect_program?
This is a Squid list, not an Apache list.
If I understand you correctly you want Squid to accept https request
and forward them to a http server of your choice? If this is the case
then use something like this:
https_port 443 cert=... key=... accel defaultside=...
(don't use protocol=)
cache_peer your.http.server parent 80 0 no-query originserver
acl my dstdomain my.virtualhost.com
cache_peer_access your.http.server allow my
If the domain name requested by the browser is different compared to
the domain name expected by the http server then you have three
a) Set the defaultsite= to the domain name expected by the web server
(not recommended.. this should be set to the externally visible
domain name)
b) Use a redirector to rewrite the URL while forwarded by Squid (this
will modify the cache_peer_access requirements accordingly).
c) Use the forcedomain= cache_peer option.
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