Re: [squid-users] unable to use squid over vpn

From: Merton Campbell Crockett <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 06:33:43 -0700 (PDT)

On Sun, 14 Sep 2003, Adam Aube wrote:

> Not to ignore your question, but would you happen to know why a server
> identifying itself as sent me multiple copies of
> several old messages with [Scanned] appended to the subject?
> By the bounces I received, I can also tell that this same server tried to send
> many of these same messages to the Squid list with my email address on them,
> but they bounced because they were sent in HTML format.

Looks like some idiot was reading the mailing list archives and decided to
pump the messages into his Microsoft Exchange system that gratuitously
changed the date of the message to today's date and then rejected them
becaouse they were in HTML format and sent them back to the list.

To misquote Bugs Bunny: "What a maroon!"

Merton Campbell Crockett

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Received on Mon Sep 15 2003 - 07:40:11 MDT

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