Re: [squid-users] Routing By Hostname

From: Antony Stone <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2003 16:19:40 +0100

On Sunday 21 September 2003 4:10 pm, Cody Harris wrote:

> > IPtables / netfilter will certainly not help with this, as that simply
> > blocks some packets which would otherwise have been routed - I like to
> > regard netfilter as "a router which can say no".
> It does do redirecting, but only ip based.

Yes, but DNAT is rarely the right solution to a routing problem.

> > The question I would ask about what you want to do is "what high-level
> > protocols are you trying to do this for?" ie http, ftp, smtp, pop3...?
> "" is an independent server, so it has to have all ports to
> it.

In that case Squid certainly cannot solve your problem.

Why not simply assign independent IP addresses to your three machines and use
DNS to route to the correct one?



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those who understand binary notation,
and those who don't.
Received on Sun Sep 21 2003 - 09:19:46 MDT

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