[squid-users] squid+squidguard+dansguardian

From: jacques.van.der.merwe <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2003 14:23:35 +0200

greetings all,

i've seen several posts of ppl using using the above configuration. how does the ACL's in squidguard work when essentially dansguardian is making all of the HTTP requests? are they just using dansguardian's content scanning and squidguard's blacklists? i take it then that you loose squdguard's ACL functionality when it comes to providing different rulesets for individual subnet's ip's etc?

the reason why i'm asking this is that i wanted to try and play with a anti-virus patch for dansguardian (based on mailscanner) for doing AV content scanning with squid (see previous post).

Received on Wed Oct 01 2003 - 06:24:34 MDT

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