Don't forget IE has separate proxy settings for each connection listed in
the Connections screen - The default is LAN
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marc Dreher []
> Sent: 09 October 2003 17:17
> To:
> Subject: [squid-users] proxy.pac - proxy autoconfiguration problem
> Hi everybody,
> I have a problem which is driving me nuts. It is not really
> squid related but involves quid :-) We are using a proxy auto
> configuration file to control access to different urls.
> the function FindProxyForURL starts as follows:
> // get Client IP
> var userIp = myIpAddress ();
> then later on I have an exception like:
> if ( shExpMatch (userIp, "172.18.*") ) { return "DIRECT" ; }
> else { return "PROXY;}
> The problem now is, that the browser does not capture the
> userIp that I would expect. The network situation is the
> following: A Windows user connects to an ISP using a dialup
> conection. Then he espablishes a VPN connection over this
> dial up link. As a result the user has two assigned IP
> adresses, one from the ISP and one from the VPN server. Both
> are dhcp addresses.
> Now after the VPN connection is established the users VPN-IP
> is the default gateway. If I fire up the browser now an
> start surfing I would expect the VPN IP to show up in the
> variable userIp. But it does not. What shows up is the ISP-IP
> address. It seems to me that the browser takes the IP listed
> first in ipconfig as the current IP. When I look at the
> routing the metrics for the VPN IP gateway is lower that that
> for the ISP-IP, so here also I would expect the VPN-IP
> (172.18.something) to take precedence. For obvious reasons I
> want the VPN IP in my if statement and not the ISPs dhcp
> address. Has anybody experienced something similar before or
> does anybody actually know if there is something I can do about this?
> Thanks a lot
> Marc
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