Re: [squid-users] large parent child proxy setup

From: Christoph Haas <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2003 15:48:43 +0200

On Sat, Oct 11, 2003 at 08:28:16PM +0530, Ripunjay Bararia wrote:
> I need to install about 20 Proxies in the next one month and all of them
> will be on a fiber backbone.
> Typical concurrent user per proxy will be about 600-800 users at a time.
> I'm a noob on this please help me out here with the questions below...
> 1. do all the POP-Proxy servers have a single Large Parent-Proxy or Multiple
> Large Parent-Proxy's or every one is the others child

From what I have seen they use at least two parent proxys (for
availability reasons) that get the requests distributed by a hardware
load balancer. If you are going to do that setup remember to set the
load balancers to sticky mode. Multiple HTTP requests should not be sent
round-robin as certain webservers and web applications expect to see
multiple HTTP sessions of a user from the same IP.

However with squid you could as well name both parent proxy servers in
the "cache_peer" configuration and your child proxys should do well.

> 2. Does using cache digest improve the transfer of cached objects between
> the proxy servers

That's what they are for. The proxys exchange hash tables of what
objects they have available. However using ICP puts additional load on
your proxys and slows them down. If you expect a good cache-hit-ratio
then it may be wise.

> 3. does putting SCSI disks have any real benefit if compared to today's fast
> IDE drives

Not really (any more).

> 4. best way to save bandwidth would be to .... after installing squid with
> ReiserFS ? please

Use ICP (sibling relations) if bandwidth saving is more important than a
lightning fast connection. (But what does that have to do with the file
system?) And perhaps use a content filter to block of unwanted requests
when in a corporate environment. From my experience 90% of the requests
of employees are not really work related.


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