> 1. Is there any way to make a "greeting" page.
> User get dhcpd address, goes over transpairent proxy, squid
> comes up on
> their first request only, and says "welcome to squid, this service is
> provided by xxx" with a nice image.
You may look at http://www.freewebs.com/headsup
Mit freundlichem Gru� / regards
Werner Rost
GM-FIR - Netzwerk
ZF Boge Elastmetall GmbH
Friesdorfer Str. 175
53175 Bonn
Tel. +49 228 38 25 - 420
Fax +49 228 38 25 - 398
Received on Wed Oct 15 2003 - 01:25:35 MDT
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